Saturday, October 1, 2011


The main part about starting this diet and/or choosing this lifestyle was research.
Initially, I read an article in Woman's Weekly that gave me the idea for trying this diet. In the article, they suggested a new book called Wheat Belly by William Davis, M.D. He and his research are the driving force into this article. I could not get my hands on this book in particular, but found plenty of information online and at my local library.
If you Google wheat free diet, you can find all sorts of articles, recipes, blogs and research. Most people seeking this lifestyle do so due to an allergy. Same is true for going gluten free.
We are not allergic to any of these ingredients. That we know of!
Going wheat free only COULD lead to the potential of:
Relief of arthritis
Relief of high blood sugar
Relief of high cholesterol
Relief of acne
Relief of tummy troubles
Relief of fatigue
and of course, the kicker for us in our final decision, weight loss.

Today's wheat is nothing like the wheat of our forefathers. It has been so dramatically changed due to breeding, trying to grow super crops, trying to prevent bug infestation, etc.
I like to read articles from Dr. Mercola's website and from Natural News. These are just two very good websites of many with articles related to what they call GMO's or Genetically Modified Organisms. When something like wheat is genetically modified, it can lead to serious health implications, only people don't realize it is being done to them!

I urge you, if you haven't already, do some research and educate yourself. Don't take my word for it. Educate yourself and form your own opinion. I promise you, it will open your eyes. You will be shocked and horrified at what you see.
Today's wheat is very much genetically modified, and thus causing many medical conditions.

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