Sunday, October 23, 2011

Egg Noodles? What to do?

So, I've been wanting to make chicken noodle soup, but knew that normal egg noodles are made with wheat just like any other pasta. So, what to do?
I could make homemade noodles with a substitute flour, but upon looking up recipes, it seemed so complicated. I am sure that once I get the hang of substitutes and mixing the various ingredients, it will be easier for me, but still at the start of this journey more or less.
I've been searching wheat free options for most noodles and end up with either rice pasta or corn pasta. Rice pasta is nearly identical to "normal" pasta, just taking a little longer to cook. Corn pasta is something else I have found, but not tried yet. In my journey to find ingredients to suit this diet, I have searched several locations in my region, but not finding a great deal that I am happy with. In my travels north this past week, I saw just how limited my options really are in my area. We are very much lacking in southern Indiana/Illinois. I wish to change this, but, that is a whole other blog.
So, there is a store in Winona that is similar to a Co-Op in that they have a ton of fresh local produce as well as specialty products and international products. I so wish I had this store at my fingertips all the time! I was looking through their pasta options and found wheat free egg noodles. They are made from barley. They were pretty close to what we are all used to, having a mild aftertaste that "normal" egg noodles don't have. Cook time was longer of course, but the end result was nearly normal chicken noodle soup! I was ecstatic! So yay barley!
Just as a final note, barley is wheat free, but not gluten free. If you are looking to eliminate just the one ingredient as I am, this is a good option for you. If you are allergic to gluten, then you know barley has gluten, but wanted to make sure I made this clear.

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