Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 30 - Daily Journal

So, it's Day 30! It went far quicker than I figured. Some days were longer than others, but for the most part, the 30 days went very well. Did not get to try as many recipes out as I would have liked, but found other ways to manage to be wheat free and still eat something every day, sometimes it was salad only, but we managed. Total weight loss definitely plateaued, but 18 pounds all together lost. Not sure it was a good month to try this because I was traveling and on vacation. Life is pretty busy in general, but adding the travel and vacation factor made things interesting.
Will attempt this again in January after all the holidays and see if we can get a few more pounds lost. Not going to completely desert the wheat free living plan, just not going to be as strict about it over the next two months. Will attempt to do some experimenting so we can be better prepared the next time around.
Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wheat Free/Gluten Free Flour

So my first attempt at finding a good flour substitute led me to try one that was already premixed and widely tested. My choices were limited in my region of places to shop, but I found one to try and have used it a time or two thus far. Haven't really been home as much as I had hoped to do more experimenting.
The flour is Jules All Purpose Gluten Free Flour. It is a five pound bag and cost nearly $20 on the website, but I paid $2 less at the store I got it at, so, guess that was a good bargain.
Posting picture of the bag and the nutritional contents.
So far have made pancakes and muffins. Pretty close in consistency/taste to the "normal" wheat recipe. I'll post my version/outcome in another post.

Substituting Ingredients

So, in order to make some of your every day recipes, you need to substitute several ingredients in order to attain a decent comparable product. I did research quite a few suggested recipes to use in replacement of wheat in my food. It is complicated. For instance, it takes four or more base ingredients mixed together to achieve the same cup for cup ratio you would use in regular old flour. Again, I'm sure I'll get used to this eventually, just starting out is tough on several accounts.
The investment into this lifestyle can seem quite daunting. Ingredients ARE more expensive. Period. No question about it. The choice to live this way isn't an option for some. I am CHOOSING this. I do not have a known allergy to wheat. Gluten free is a byproduct because so many alternatives for wheat free tend to also be gluten free. And initially, when you are starting with nothing, it is very daunting, so I'm trying to be positive as I make my purchases and remember it's for the greater good. As I mentioned before, it's also a lack of availability in my area. I wish we had better options.
I need to grow my confidence in making my choices and some of that is going to be through trial and error. I am grateful there are so many helpful blogs and websites to peruse. The library is also quite helpful. I love that they connect with other libraries to make other books available to me. I am adding links as I find ones that are helpful to me. Feel free to comment if you find something useful and if it fits my criteria, I'll add it.
Thanks for following the journey

Wheat Free/Gluten Free Puppy Chow

With the holiday season approaching, I'm out searching for snack/dessert options. This recipe is a good all around choice - Puppy Chow! Some might call it Muddy Buddies? It has always been Puppy Chow in my circle, so, here ya go!

Puppy Chow
9 cups rice, corn or chocolate Chex cereal (or combination)
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2-2 cups powdered sugar

1. Measure cereal into large bowl, set aside.
2. In glass mixing bowl, mix chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter. Heat on high in microwave for 30 second intervals until a smooth texture is achieved. Then add vanilla.
3. Pour melted mixture over cereal stirring until cereal is well coated.
4. Place powdered sugar in paper grocery bag. Put entire mix in bag. Shake until all is well coated.
5. Store in air-tight container.

You can use peanut butter chips in place of chocolate chips if you prefer more peanut flavor. The powdered sugar is a judgement call, some like it more than others, less calories if you use less though.
Also, to be clear, DO NOT give this to your dog due to chocolate content. This is a human only recipe.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Egg Noodles? What to do?

So, I've been wanting to make chicken noodle soup, but knew that normal egg noodles are made with wheat just like any other pasta. So, what to do?
I could make homemade noodles with a substitute flour, but upon looking up recipes, it seemed so complicated. I am sure that once I get the hang of substitutes and mixing the various ingredients, it will be easier for me, but still at the start of this journey more or less.
I've been searching wheat free options for most noodles and end up with either rice pasta or corn pasta. Rice pasta is nearly identical to "normal" pasta, just taking a little longer to cook. Corn pasta is something else I have found, but not tried yet. In my journey to find ingredients to suit this diet, I have searched several locations in my region, but not finding a great deal that I am happy with. In my travels north this past week, I saw just how limited my options really are in my area. We are very much lacking in southern Indiana/Illinois. I wish to change this, but, that is a whole other blog.
So, there is a store in Winona that is similar to a Co-Op in that they have a ton of fresh local produce as well as specialty products and international products. I so wish I had this store at my fingertips all the time! I was looking through their pasta options and found wheat free egg noodles. They are made from barley. They were pretty close to what we are all used to, having a mild aftertaste that "normal" egg noodles don't have. Cook time was longer of course, but the end result was nearly normal chicken noodle soup! I was ecstatic! So yay barley!
Just as a final note, barley is wheat free, but not gluten free. If you are looking to eliminate just the one ingredient as I am, this is a good option for you. If you are allergic to gluten, then you know barley has gluten, but wanted to make sure I made this clear.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Wheat Free/Gluten Free Pancakes

We are big on "Big Breakfast" at our house. Every Saturday we have either pancakes/waffles/French toast with either sausage or bacon. So, we had to find a way to fit this into our menu.
1 egg
1 cup milk or buttermilk
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 cup gluten free flour
1 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda

1.) Combine all ingredients in bowl using whisk until smooth.
2.) Grease a hot griddle.
3.) Pour batter by spoonful until desired pancake size is achieved.
4.) When pancake begins to bubble and bubble stay, flip. Cook other side until golden brown.

This recipe adapted from the Betty Crocker cookbook. I used the Jule's Gluten Free flour mixture I blog about in a later post. There wasn't a marked difference between this flour and regular flour. Very pleasantly surprised!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wheat Free/Gluten Free Salmon Patties

Salmon Patties
1 can salmon
1/2 cup crushed corn flakes
1 egg
salt & pepper to taste
2 tbsp. canola oil
2 tbsp. white rice flour

1. Open salmon, drain, pick out little round bones.
2. Add egg, corn flakes and seasoning. Mix together.
3. Divide mixture into four parts. Hand form into patties.
4. Dip patties into white rice flour and then place in skillet of heated canola oil.
5. Cook until browned on both sides.
6. Enjoy!

Wheat Free/Gluten Free Macaroni & Cheese

Wheat Free Macaroni & Cheese
12 ounces wheat free pasta
12 ounces Velveeta, cubed
1/2 stick butter
3/4 cup milk
salt & pepper to taste

1. Cook pasta to preferred level of doneness (I like al dente). Drain.
2. In separate non-stick pan, melt butter, add milk and cheese. Stir constantly until a smooth texture is achieved.
3. Remove cheese sauce from heat, add in pasta. Stir until well coated.
4. Season to taste.
5. Enjoy!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 7 - What's For Dinner

Today, Monday, October 10th, is Day 8 of the diet. First actual cooking opportunity that involved a little bit of effort.
We made Wheat Free/Gluten Free Homemade Macaroni & Cheese. We also made Wheat Free/Gluten Free Salmon Patties. Below is the picture of the outcome.

I posted the recipes for both of these items separately so people could search for them easier.

Thoughts & Tips:
I don't think I'd do anything different. For my first experience actually creating something without wheat products, I think it turned out very good. This entire meal happens to not only be wheat free, but gluten free. I know many who may read this are gluten free, that wasn't our goal, just a nice side effect. We chose a pasta that was wheat free AND gluten free, but mainly because gluten free seems to be the main option available even though we are seeking to only eliminate one ingredient from our life. We may at some point attempt to make homemade pasta, but for now........

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 4 - Daily Journal

Day 4 weight is down ten pounds total!
Wahoo! I know you lost fast in the beginning of most diets, but this is the fastest I have lost weight since my bariatric surgery four years ago!
I cannot believe that cutting one ingredient completely from your diet can make this kind of difference. Even when I cut sugar and went to using almost all Splenda (before I knew it was evil and before I knew I was allergic), I didn't lose weight this fast. I realize the plateau will come at some point, but so far, it has not been very difficult to adjust.
I worked again today, and I tend to not have time to eat while I'm at work, but I did manage to grab a few pieces of bacon and potato cakes somewhere in my morning. I put Split Pea Soup with Ham in the crockpot before leaving for work, so that is my dinner tonight. Another old family favorite, little effort and completely wheat free, so its a meal already in our "normal" that needs no adjusting. Please refer to my regular food blog for this recipe.
I should mention that for liquids that I am drinking, nearly every day I have about half a gallon of sweetened iced tea and about 16 ounces of 1% milk. As a general rule, those are my staples. I do not drink soda at all. I might have an OJ at work maybe Koo-laid at home from time to time, but more or less, iced tea IS my water.
Another early day tomorrow, so off to bed!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 3 - Daily Journal

Day 3 weight loss is up to seven pounds.
I am still doing a ton of research trying to figure out ways to implement foods we eat normally into the wheat free realm. Found a flour mixture at the health food store that already is combined into the appropriate amounts of rice flour, tapioca flour, xanthan gum and potato starch. The xanthan gum is really important to making things rise. Buying just xanthan gum alone was $13, and each individual flour was $3 or $4 each, so buying the pre-mixed flour was $18 for five pounds. Decided it was the best option to start out and will buy the individual flours and/or ingredients if we find that this will work. Also found a bulk foods section at the Co-Op in Evansville, so that was a nice find. We can now buy the amount of some of the ingredients we prefer vs. a random amount and at a bulk price, so cheaper. Found the pure evaporated cane sugar here too. Supposed to be healthier than regular sugar and combines well with the other wheat free flours. Can't wait to experiment. Alas, the day has already ran away from us, so, will have to be another time!
Today, we ate at the Wirth's restaurant in Mt. Carmel - Big Jon's Lunchbox. We like to go there to support them, plus, it is AWESOME food. Brenda and Jon really know their kitchen! I would normally order the turkey & dumplings, but, the dumplings and the gravy both have wheat in them, so today I ordered the roast beef, mashed potatoes and green beans. No gravy. I can live without gravy most days. I'm not normally a fan of cornstarch to make gravy, but it's allowed, so we will be trying that out soon too.
For dinner, had grilled chicken, white rice and cooked carrots.
So far, options are easy. It is weird to not have biscuits or bread with meals, but not out of the question. I would say what I missed most was Rice-a-Roni. We most always have Rice-a-Roni with chicken, but the semolina rice with the regular rice makes it off the list. We will also eventually figure out a recipe we like for biscuits and bread.......just need that experimental time.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 2 - Daily Journal

Forgot to weigh myself this morning........but when I got home from work, I did and was down five pounds already!
I am liking those kind of results!
Today we'll have leftover Navy Bean with Ham soup once again. Also ate raw veggies and had a salad while at work. Work presents very few options for wheat free eating. It is amazing how many foods have wheat in them or on them. Things you'd never think of!
Marissa is excited, we found wheat free soy sauce so she can still enjoy stir-fry!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 1 - Daily Journal

So Day 1 starts Monday, October 3rd.
I put a ham bone and navy beans in the crock pot before leaving for work so we'll have Navy Bean with Ham soup upon arrival at home. This is not a meal that is new to us, in fact, it is a family favorite, it just happens to be completely wheat free, so it was a perfect way to start the wheat free diet week off. Minimal effort and since I didn't have very many items to work with just yet, it made for a good nutritious meal that fit the bill.
Still acquiring ingredients that are wheat free to help us plan and manage our meal plan for the month long strictly no wheat diet. We may occasionally have wheat again after the 30 days, but, we still hope to more or less implement this as a regular lifestyle choice. We have a lot of experimenting to do!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


So to prepare for this journey, we had to go shopping.
We didn't clean out our kitchen to wipe out anything wheat free because at this moment, it is just my sister and I that are participating in this diet. Providing we can make a go of it and make most of our every day food options to have similar taste and texture, we will attempt to implement this as a family.
We tried several stores in our area. A local grocery store, a major discount chain store, a health food store and a local co-op. Each store had many, but not all, of what we were looking for, so we will probably have to do a little bit of running around to get all that we need, but more or less, we are finding the needed items. Purchasing product online is also an option, but we didn't quite do enough advanced research into what we would need, thus buy, so we didn't really know what would be available locally. Going forward, we'll probably purchase more online to make it a little more budget friendly.
I won't lie. I don't think anyone would tell you different. Choosing a healthier eating lifestyle will not come cheap. Some things are comparable and others are two or three times higher in cost, sometimes more. Your area shopping choices may not be as plentiful as ours, but like I said, online purchases are a good option.


So, back in August, I was reading an article in Woman's Weekly and it was about trying a Wheat Free Diet to lose weight.
Six weeks later, starting the first week and I thought I'd just journal some of the things regarding the good and bad, the easy and difficult as well as recipes, pictures and tips.
So, this new food blog was born.
To document the journey.
Looking forward to doing this for the thirty days we vowed to, but beyond that, implementing this into a regular lifestyle towards healthier living.
Hope you enjoy the journey too!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


The main part about starting this diet and/or choosing this lifestyle was research.
Initially, I read an article in Woman's Weekly that gave me the idea for trying this diet. In the article, they suggested a new book called Wheat Belly by William Davis, M.D. He and his research are the driving force into this article. I could not get my hands on this book in particular, but found plenty of information online and at my local library.
If you Google wheat free diet, you can find all sorts of articles, recipes, blogs and research. Most people seeking this lifestyle do so due to an allergy. Same is true for going gluten free.
We are not allergic to any of these ingredients. That we know of!
Going wheat free only COULD lead to the potential of:
Relief of arthritis
Relief of high blood sugar
Relief of high cholesterol
Relief of acne
Relief of tummy troubles
Relief of fatigue
and of course, the kicker for us in our final decision, weight loss.

Today's wheat is nothing like the wheat of our forefathers. It has been so dramatically changed due to breeding, trying to grow super crops, trying to prevent bug infestation, etc.
I like to read articles from Dr. Mercola's website and from Natural News. These are just two very good websites of many with articles related to what they call GMO's or Genetically Modified Organisms. When something like wheat is genetically modified, it can lead to serious health implications, only people don't realize it is being done to them!

I urge you, if you haven't already, do some research and educate yourself. Don't take my word for it. Educate yourself and form your own opinion. I promise you, it will open your eyes. You will be shocked and horrified at what you see.
Today's wheat is very much genetically modified, and thus causing many medical conditions.